A blog from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ECMO Program. Team members and interested others are encouraged to check in regularly, post intereseting comments, and keep us all on our toes.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Welcome December

A slow month of November for the ECMO team usually means a good month for the patients! AS I've often stated, " It's not what we do. It's what we do if we have to"

All the same, here's to wishing everyone "enough" for the holidays.

"I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright,
enough rain so you can appreciate light.
I wish you enough music to raise your spirits,
enough silence so you can hear it.
I wish you enough happiness to make you glow,
enough pain to make you grow.
I wish you enough intelligence to make your way,
enough innocence to enjoy the day".

I wish you joy. I wish you love. I wish you peace. I wish you enough.

I've read various versions of this over the years. I don't know the author, but this has become one of my favorites.


Blogger Erual said...

Never knew you were such a poet...

6:05 PM  

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